Sunday 05 May of 2024     Restaurante marisqueria alicante
Alicante marisqueria al peso
Catering Bodas Alicante

Pesca al peso - Seafood Restaurant

Pesca al peso - Seafood Restaurant

Pesca al peso - Seafood Restaurant

Pesca al peso - Seafood Restaurant

Pesca al peso - Seafood Restaurant

Pesca al peso - Seafood Restaurant

How it works?

In the restaurant "Pesca al Peso" you can enjoy seafood and fish of high quality at affordable prices.

In "Pesca al Peso" you see what you're going to eat, you choose how to cook it, and finally you pick up your order….… Everything turns on a simple and fun process that makes "Pesca al Peso" a unique seafood place.

With a friendly atmosphere "Pesca al Peso" is the ideal place for lunch or dinner, alone or accompanied, in a delightful way and always at the best price.

Just after entering the restaurant, you will find a seafood market stall. Choose the kind of fish and seafood you want  for lunch or dinner and how you prefer it to be cooked. And remember, the price, as in marketplaces, depends on the weight.

In a next stand you can order drinks and salads. Now, it's time to pay (forget about scares, the price is really affordable). Once you have been given a number and a ticket, you can take your sit and wait until the meal is ready.

Enjoy quality, well prepared seafood at the best price!

Pescaalpeso - Calle Mayor, 22 - Alicante - Phone: 965 981 372 - E-mail:
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